Lazy gremlins

“Freedom is the ability to do everything and still making the choice to do nothing.”
—My snarky-ass calendar

My friend got me this daily calendar because she knows how snarky I am and how much I love sarcasm. I love it.

AND I love how all the inner/shadow work I’m doing has me reading it each day, appreciating and enjoying the snark, taking a beat, then editing when it feels necessary as I learn to see my armor of sarcasm and cynicism for what it really is: a coping mechanism, a story I learned about how I had to be to make my way through the world and be loved and feel like I belong.

But today, this one, wow. It hit so close to home. As I explore the cures to my Achiever Fever (thank you, Claire Booth), I see how the “Lazy” shame gremlin is trying to bite me here. Not today. Today I’m appreciating the powerful shift in how I feel about rest: Just because I CAN DO or I HAVE DONE everything, doesn’t mean I MUST ALWAYS do everything. Sometimes, the choice to do nothing is the most beautiful freedom a recovering Achiever like me can experience. Fuck off, grind culture.

Thumbnail photo by the author

Sage Catlett

Driving enthusiast. Bourbon lover. Curious explorer of angles, perspectives, and what makes people tick. Always (un)learning. Storyteller. Facilitator of discovery. I create moments of meaning and connection through understanding, vulnerability, passion, and exposure to new people, places, and perspectives.


