What I’ve learned is…

There are no straight paths back home to yourself.


There are only curves in the road back to you. Living your fullest life and sharing your truest self with others and with the world means allowing yourself to Explore the Curves with an open mind and a willing heart, with the necessary boundaries and guard rails to keep yourself safe and supported, and with a spirit of adventure and vulnerability and eagerness to learn and grow.

“What about this theory. The fear of not being enough. And the fear of being ‘too much.’ Are exactly the same fear. The fear of being you.”

— nayyirah waheed

You can BE here.


This is a place where humans—particularly those in fat and otherwise marginalized bodies—are encouraged to be as big and vulnerable and sexual and sensual and queer as they want to be (even if that’s not at all). It is my hope that we can care for each other, learn from and with each other, and support one another to be unafraid and unashamed of the truth of our own singular experience of life.

This is a place of discovery. It is a place of connection. This is a place for BEING in all our big, beautiful, complex, and messy glory. It is a place for us to see one another. To hear one another. To love one another. To move beyond our fear. To Explore the Curves of life as we find our way back home to ourselves.

Thank you for BEING here.

Open mind. Willing heart.

That’s all you need to Explore the Curves in the road back home to yourself.