The perfect myth

A reminder from a recovering perfectionist (me):

Perfection is a fallacy.

Nothing is ever perfect, but it will always be the best I am able to do with the knowledge, understanding, time, and energy I have in the moment I am acting on it. More knowledge, understanding, time, or energy may change what I do, but that is a different moment, with a different context. It is both unwise and unfair to hold this moment to the standards of another future moment with a different context.

Remember: Perfect is the enemy of done, and done feels more fulfilling than striving for elusive, mythical perfection ever could. My A-game is reserved for my passions, my people, and my purpose. The space between my B-game and my A-game is where everything else falls. If it’s not worth my B-game, it’s not worth doing or even thinking about.

Once I get rid of the notion of perfection and realize that it is necessary to reserve my A-game only for those most important of things in my life, I will settle into a level of comfort and satisfaction with making the rest less of a priority. I will not apologize for this distinction or for acting in a way that preserves my energy and attention for those few things that deserve my full and authentic self. 

Thumbnail photo by Jonathan Hoxmark on Unsplash

Sage Catlett

Driving enthusiast. Bourbon lover. Curious explorer of angles, perspectives, and what makes people tick. Always (un)learning. Storyteller. Facilitator of discovery. I create moments of meaning and connection through understanding, vulnerability, passion, and exposure to new people, places, and perspectives.

Singular experience

